So Havel Hop 2016, in Germany, was the next stop for JiveSwing teaching duo Joseph & Charlotte, on the first weekend in May.
It was their 4th visit, but this year was by far the best, with dancers from all over Germany and other countries.
Joseph & Charlotte were working alongside some of the worlds top teachers and competitors, such as Skye & Marie (USA/SWE), Peter & Naomi (USA), Sharon & Tony (UK), Lisa & Fabien (FR).
It was a really good team working together, as they were all so inspiring and such a pleasure to work and hang out with, creating a happy camp.. Joseph & Charlotte taught a mixture of Lindy Hop and Swing Blues..
The students worked really hard, producing great results, whilst having so much fun, together. However, after the last few classes, Joseph & Charlotte left their trade mark of wearing everyone out..
On the Saturday evening, all teachers provided a performance, where Joseph & Charlotte produced an impromptu and improvised social dance, to one of their favourite tracks..
[youlist vid=”aAChi5DGPlo” parameters=”&rel=0″]It was amazing to have breakfast and dinner, outdoors near the water, with our fellow teachers and students.
A massive thanks goes out to the Havel Hop organisers Talea, Holger, Franchesca and Veronica, for putting on such a great weekend and looking after us so well. Looking forward to doing it all again..